Send Us Your Stories!
As the founder and author of Ladies Get Paid, I’ve had the privilege of getting a bird’s eye view of women and their relationship to work, money (and each other!) and I’ve seen how powerful and profound it can be to recognize yourself in someone else. I’ve traveled the country teaching thousands of women how to advocate for themselves at work and beyond – and I always get the same response, “I thought I was the only one.”
I believe that the first step to truly owning your power is recognizing that you’re not alone in this chaos called life. In that spirit, we’re looking to showcase stories that give an inside look into the messiness of self-actualization and self-advocacy. No detail is too small!
Stories we’re currently interested in are:
- Getting fired or losing your job
- Salary negotiation
- Getting burnt out
- Learning to embrace your worth – and then knowing what to charge for it
- Relationship with money
- Ah-ha moments and learning to listen to your intuition
- Mantras, affirmations, and talismans – things that keep you going,
- Dealing with debt
These stories will be used as the basis of blog articles, mentioned during our The Daily Check-In on LinkedIn Live, and/or used in an upcoming podcast. Please include your name and email so we can be in touch with you, however, if and when they are published, you will be anonymous.
Send us an email at or leave a voicemail at 310-844-6731.
Big hug and much love,