Ladies Get Sued
There’s something I haven’t been able to tell you over the last seven months. Ladies Get Paid is in danger of not existing.
We got sued by members of a men’s rights group who claimed gender discrimination. When I started Ladies Get Paid, I made the decision to host our events as women and non-binary only to provide a space where we could be vulnerable and share our workplace challenges, free of judgment or intimidation. I know this is why so many of you love Ladies Get Paid.
However, since getting sued I’ve wrestled with whether or not I made the right decision. This movement is so important and now it is in jeopardy of not existing at all.
Not only did these men sue Ladies Get Paid, they also sued me personally as well as six of our ambassadors.
Over the past seven months it’s been incredibly isolating to not be able to share this information with you. I wish I could have told you how they served me the day of the Women’s March. I wish I could’ve told you how they intimidated me when I chose to speak out.
This lawsuit was extremely expensive and more than we can afford. If we don’t raise enough money to cover the cost, Ladies Get Paid will go out of business.
Today we’re launching a crowdfunding campaign. We’re asking you to contribute to keep Ladies Get Paid alive.
As a thank you, we have awesome new swag, including a Ladies Get Paid t-shirt.
We also need you to spread the word. Here is a folder that has sample text and images you can post on your social channels.
In less than 18 months, our community has grown to more than 20,000 women. Many of you have told us that because of our work, you’ve gotten raises and promotions. That you now believe in yourself more than you ever have.
We’ve just gotten started and there is so much more we need to do. Please help us continue.
In gratitude,
Claire and Ashley