Own Your Voice
Last week, Ladies Get Paid teamed up with Jackie Miller of Bespoken to host a workshop at COLLINS, Own Your Voice. Ladies Get Paid member Mara Lecocq shares some of the best tips and takeaways below.
“As women, we may think we can hide behind intelligent facts and data, but coming to the realization that 93% of communication is non-verbal was mind-blowing.”
Jackie Miller taught us to be effective communicators by making eye contact, watching for our posture, getting rid of fillers, and using our voice with confidence. We did presentation exercises in a safe space and it was motivating to see us all blossom through practice.
Here are some quick key takeaways:
- Women who negotiate are 30% more likely to receive feedback that they are “bossy, “too aggressive” or “intimidating”
- Female executives who spoke frequently were given 14% lower ratings of competence
- Communication is a muscle. Just like push ups. You need to train that muscle.
- 93% of communication is non-verbal. So, what you say is 7% what makes an impression. Vocal and facial expressions matter more. Work on your posture, speak louder, make eye contact.
- We all have language ticks and fillers. Ban these words: kind of, just, I think, like, does that make sense? You know, uh, like. I’m sorry, if it’s ok with you
Jackie had a great tip to get rid of fillers: find people to keep you honest and constantly correct you as you speak. That’s the only way to make progress. It’s a process that can take years. Better start now!
Thanks to Jackie, I’m on fire for a pitch presentation I need to give next week for the Project Entrepreneur accelerator. Wish me luck!
Mara Lecocq, Founder of Secret Code & Where Are The Boss Ladies
Thank you to Jackie Miller, for sharing her knowledge with the Ladies Get Paid community, and COLLINS for supporting and hosting.